professional ceremony music

These are a few suggestions for funeral music. Some of them can be heard by clicking on the links.

Entrance Hymn
How great thou art
Nearer my God to thee
Morning has broken
Here I am Lord
Be thou my vision
Abide with me

Like a little child [Psalm 130]
Teach me, O God [Psalm 118]
Eagles Wings [Psalm 93]
'S'e an Tiarna m'aoire [Psalm 23]
Mo ghra thu [Psalm 17]
Like the deer [Psalm 42]
My soul glorifies the Lord[Magnificat]
The Lord's my shepherd [Psalm 23]

Gospel Acclamation
Lourdes Alleluia [English]
Seinn Ailliluia [Irish]
Bodley Alleluia [English]
Plainchant Alleluia [Latin]
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
O'Carroll Alleluia [English]

Presentation of the Gifts/Offertory

Amazing Grace
Be still and know that I am God
Be still for the presence of the Lord
Only a shadow

Solo Songs
Faure: Pie Jesu
Traditional: Ag Criost an siol [Irish]
Be still my soul
May the choirs of angels

Choral Music
Lloyd-Webber: Pie Jesu
Bach: Jesu Joy
Rutter: Deep peace
Be still my soul

Traditional: An Coulin
Traditional: Ag Criost an siol
Pachelbel: Canon
Harp improvisation

Lourdes Mass [English]
Bodley Mass [English]
O'Riada Mass [Irish]
Plainchant Mass [Latin]


Be not afraid
Soul of my Saviour
Sweet Sacrament Divine
I watch the sunrise
Make me a channel of your peace

Solo Songs
Take and Eat
Panis Angelicus
Be still my soul
Faure: Pie Jesu
Lloyd Webber: Pie Jesu

Choral Music
Mozart: Ave Verum
Mozart: Laudate Dominum
Bach: Jesu Joy
Be still my soul

Bach: Jesu Joy
Traditional: Slow airs
Handel: Largo
Ashokan Farewell


Our God reigns
How great thou art
Abide with me
Sweet heart of Jesus
Hail Queen of Heaven

Solo Songs
Faure: Pie Jesu
Traditional: Ag Criost an siol
Be still my soul
Lady of Knock
May the choirs of angels

Choral Music
Brother James's air [Ps 23]
Bach: O Sacred Head Surrounded
Stainer: God so loved the world

Bach: Jesu Joy
Widor: Toccata
Traditional: An Coulin